vineri, octombrie 28, 2005

hey man, say something!

And say it to my face! Advertising should be the most fun job. On my planet, it really isn't. That's cause I always stumble in the shallow perspectives of people around me. (and what's worse it's they are closer than I'd wish...)

It's a pardox. Advertising is the soul of communication, though here are the worse communicators. They can write a headline, make a layout but seem not to be able to reach that level of understanding, compromise and tolerance between them.

It's hard enough to have the same perspective on things...why get into fights before getting to understand eachother?!!?? We should talk more to one another. Before making the brief and after, before getting lost in mediocrity...

And we definitely should at least try to be as creative as we are on the job, in real life too!!!! Let's try changing something, damn it!

miercuri, octombrie 26, 2005

My first year at Golden Drum 2005

Yeah, my first time at an international advertising festival - Golden Drum. Yuhoooooo!
Lots of nice stuff and people, but what impressed me in a bad way was the fact that there were soooooo many bad entries. I won't get into this right now, but I'll remember it for follow up.

Also, a thing that I don't understand is the the low level of presentation skills most of the speakers had...I don't get it why do we have to be creative only when we're being asked to in a brief?!?! Yeah, that's another thing that bothers me with people working in advertising.

Anywayz...networking remains the main attraction of these festivals (wich I didn't manage to do so well this year...but there's always A NEXT TIME- that's the first time after you learn from your mistakes:)
B seeing U all

Welcome to the amazing world of our minds

This is my first post. I think this is not the only thing I've done today for the first time....Hmmmm...but except this one, none of them worth mentioning :)

Bout advertising now, cause this is what brought us all together....I work in it and I'm not yet a heartless bitch, nor a rich one...or even a simple bitch (although some have called me that few times, me knowing it or not:).

I like to keep my mind open, I try to listen and understand behaviours. I also believe advertising is not the centre of the world, trying to be creative in your life in order to reach your potential, is.

Please excuse me right now cause I have a brief to think about. I'll write again. Sure thing!